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Customer service- meeting the needs of customers with diverse needs

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The question was posted by Sarah on 05/07/2016 09:39:53

Morning all

I am currently piloting a customer service excellence course, and have been asked to add in a module around communicating with customers who may have additional needs such as sensory impairments, English not being their first language etc. so was after picking the brains of the people here. Does anybody have any suggestions around activities that I might use to raise awareness around why this is so important to consider and how customers may feel if we are unable to cater to these needs?

Thankyou all in advance for any suggestions you might have!

Kind regards


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Hi Sarah - what a great training challenge. We have a number of exercises on diversity, but the one that really sprang to mind was Land of the Nutritos Its a great exercise designed to help people feel what it is like to be 'different' and gets a great debate going in the room. I think it will really help your participants to understand why it really matters that they cater to a diverse customer base.

I hope that this helps, Sarah.

All the best



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