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Procedural Compliance

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The question was posted by Previous on 11/12/2014 11:24:53

I am in the process of planning some sessions based around how individuals engage with the procedures they are required to work to. I am currently looking for group activities and material which have a focus on decision making and compliance. It is recognised that in almost all cases, violations are driven from a desire to ‘do the right thing’ however their focus on sticking to the rules is my main aim.

I would be very grateful for any ideas you could share.



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Use the indirect approach - explain what single loop and double loop learning is and why blind compliance can be dangerous. Start off on well known and well documented examples where disaster has occurred - Piper Alpha, Challenger, Lehman brothers. Why did no-one attempt to 'violate' the rules. Then go for examples where individual initiative has had an impact - Julian Assange (wiki leaks), Bradley Manning (US Army - innocents assaulted in Iraq). Point out the negative consequences to the individuals concerned and why they were driven to such extremes. Go to the UK govt web site and show HMG's position. Explain how good feedback mechanisms should preclude the need to whistle-blow. Make sure they understand what the values of the organization they work for and that provided they comply with them that they have nothing to fear.

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