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Bringing the Cows Home - Testing Analytical Thinking


This game can be played in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 75 minutes.

• Test analytical skills and encourage clear thinking.
• Test participants’ attention to detail, individually or collectively, and to test levels of accuracy under pressure.
• Allow participants to work together to solve a specific problem.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Analytical skills, attention to detail, problem solving, teamwork.

Group Size:
We recommend placing participants into teams of 2–4 for this exercise. However, strictly speaking there is no minimum number of participants – this exercise can even be used to test individual skills.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• At least one Farm Map for each team; if teams have more than three people in them, you might prefer to provide teams with two copies of the map.
• One copy of the Team Brief for each team.

In this exercise participants are presented with a lot of information and success will depend on their ability to approach the problem in a structured, methodical way and work effectively under pressure.

This exercise can also be used to examine the role of leaders within teams. If you wish to use the exercise in this way, you might want to pre-assign the role of leader to someone from each team.


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