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Embedding Leadership Training

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The question was posted by Angela on 25/05/2016 15:02:20

I am about to launch a leadership programme consisting of the usual pre-course/post course and modules throughout a 6 month period. What i am looking for are ideas to help excite people and keep them interested to move to the next stage, some sort of ideas around gimmicks, such as delegates collect jigsaw pieces etc
Has anyone any ideas of anything that worked for them please?
many thanks

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Hi Janet
Many thanks for your suggestions, it's exactly that, the 'buy-in' of delegates and to create some sort of exciting competitive engagement for the next module.

Thanks again
I sometimes start a self assessment with the delegates in that they complete the questions but the scoring occurs on the next module and the debrief and making sense if it . So it sort of provides the hook and also saves time on the course , not having them complete questionnaires I also ask them to buddy up in between modules to perhaps shadow another's work place / department . Again makes links I also run action learning sets in between modules so that they become a smaller group and again more engaged in the whole process. Hope this helps.
That sounds great Rod, thanks so much. I really like the scrabble letters.

Any other responses greatly appreciated.

One idea I saw used recently, was to 'reward' people with Scrabble letters. Then at the end of the programme, the person who could create the best word would win a prize. Maybe you could build something around that.

You could probably adapt the following activity too by providing them with 'ingredients' for their cocktail as they successfully complete each module.

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