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TNA for eLearning

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The question was posted by Shirley on 19/11/2015 11:16:04

Hi friends
I'm putting together a training needs analysis for a new LMS and elearning system we require. I'm looking to interview 'champions' in the business who will provide us with their honest feedback and requirements in terms of what they would envisage the elearning to cover. I will use this research, as well as my own thoughts, when deciding which system to implement. Does anyone have a TNA specifically geared toward elearning that I could utilise?
As always appreciate your help.

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Hi Isabel

Yes I have started looking at suppliers - still haven't decided who to go with.

I would be grateful if you could send it over to me please. My email address is [email protected]

Many thanks for your help.

Hi Shirley,

I am currently in the same process... have you started looking at suppliers yet?

I went around it a different way, I am currently building an academy and wanted a LMS to support it so I could provide E- Learning as well as social interaction. Through research and meeting with different suppliers I came up with the key things we would need and the key things we would like our chosen LMS to provide us. Its not a specific TNA but might help you put it together :)

Let me know if you want me to send the info over.


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