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Web based portal from Recruitment to Training

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The question was posted by Amy on 06/10/2015 15:25:47

I was wondering if anyone had recommendations on a web based portal that allows the opportunity for a future employee to get the information about a company and its different departments.
Then using the same portal set up training session for new starters and provide further information for current staff.
I.e. we have over 2000 third party staff based at our site and will only be onsite for a day up to to twice times a month?

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Amy has requested the following response type(s):
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Hi Amy,

This is what we use:

We are currently in the process of reviewing it at the moment, with a view to making it more interactive (videos, possibly e-learning. We are also looking at the possibility of making this area secure by issuing usernames and password.

Hope this helps,


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