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Management Development Programme Ideas.

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The question was posted by Jooles on 25/04/2014 09:07:17

Good morning

I’m putting together a Management Development Programme for members of staff who are ready to take that next step up the career ladder. I’m looking for some motivational speeches to use in this module. I would very grateful for some recommendations.

Thanks in advance!

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The second speech June refers to is by Colonel Tim Collins of the Royal Irish Regiment just before the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

It is widely available on the internet in text or video form.
I think there are some really motivational speeches - but they are generally used from a leadership perspective.

Ernest Shackleton when the ship was stuck in the ice and they were preparing to abandon it. When they had to move over the ice - there are several examples in the DVD (Kenneth Branagh)

Also the speech which I think you can find on You tube of the Irish Guards captain prior to a battle either in Iraq or in Afghanistan.

Winston Churchill - we will fight them on the beaches

Hope that helps.
Thank you Ben, thats great. I was looking for for speaches, rather than speakers.


We use this chap, he is amazing!


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