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The Best of Intentions.....

The Best of Intentions
Happy New Year! I am now officially out of the January Blues and ready to rock and roll - how about you - do you struggle getting back in to it?

So, you had your best intentions set for the beginning of the year with New Year’s resolutions and great goals for 2015?
Then instead of feeling motivated to really go for it, did you feel deflated even before you had finished setting them?
So why not take the pressure of and set yourself an intention that works?
I describe intentions as having a desire without a plan or attachment to the outcome.
My Intention
I had the intention to start the year in a healthy way (as most of us do!). The difference was I had no targets, weight loss goals, and NO PLAN of how I was going to achieve it etc. Controversial I know, especially for a Coach to say!
I just envisioned wanting to nourish myself in a healthy way for my own wellbeing. Wanting clarity and to feel energised for myself, my family and my clients. There was no PRESSURE to achieve a certain GOAL.
My Encounter with the Sales Assistant
On New Year’s Day, I went shopping to check out the sales. As I was browsing, a young sales assistant came over and quite enthusiastically said "Happy New Year" so we sparked up a conversation. I asked her if it had been busy to which she replied,"No, not at all, probably because a lot of people have been out partying and have hangovers." I said to her that she didn't look like she had a hangover? She replied, "No, I don’t drink". 

Wow! I thought she was so young and I was so impressed that she didn’t feel the social pressure to drink. She continued, "I don’t really see the point; it ages you and costs you money." 

I was amazed at her wisdom. I thanked her for her wise words and left the shop.
An Offer I Could not Refuse
The next day I went to see my personal trainer (who gets very frustrated with me as, even though I exercise well, my eating can be sporadic). I told him I was intending to give up drinking and eating chocolate for 2 months - he instantly offered me 3 sessions a week instead of 1.5 for the same price. I was gob smacked!
Intentions Work!
So, first I got a reminder from the sales assistant as to why I wanted to avoid alcohol, and then I got an offer from my personal trainer I couldn’t refuse! The plan started to shape itself… There was no effort, no pressure, and no attachment! I just went with the flow and was open to see what arose. So for the last two weeks I have been eating healthily with the odd treat and exercising three times a week. It doesn’t even feel like hard work - I’m not sure how long it will last but hey, I am really enjoying the journey right now!
Why not have a go yourself and see what happens?
Tips on Setting Your Intention(s) for 2015….
  1. Decide on Your Intention: Think about what you truly desire and intend
  2. Establish Why: The reason for your intention has to be deeper than a cosmetic or material reason. Peel back the reasons as to why it is so important. It helps if it benefits others.
  3. Visualise it: Let your imagination run wild and picture yourself achieving your intention and desire upfront. Let yourself feel, think and believe you are already in that place of bliss. See others benefiting from your intention.
  4. Forget about the How: Don’t worry at this stage about how you will achieve it as that will naturally evolve later on in the process
  5. Be non-Attached: Take the pressure off as it only stops you in your tracks. If you become attached to the outcome you may miss opportunities. No goals, targets or deadlines as you can consider these once you get started.
  6. Listen and Reflect: Sit back and listen out for messages from others and yourself that will help you with your intention and take time to reflect on them.
  7. Act on Opportunities: When you listen, you will automatically be presented with opportunities – just make sure you act on them as they will help you fulfil your intention.
  8. Forgive yourself: Forget and move on. Go at your pace in whatever you are trying to achieve and if you take a step back on occasion, forgive yourself and move on.
  9. Let your Plan evolve: Now you will automatically create your plans and goals and may already be actioning the plan with motivation still intact. You may want to write your plan down somewhere with your intended goals.
  10. Pause and Celebrate: We often too quickly move on to the next thing. So, don’t forget to pause every now and then to celebrate your success!
For help with creating your vision for 2015 to make this the most successful year you have ever had, attend our next power2lead or contact us for a free consultation.

January 16 2015Anjana Rajani

Anjana Rajani

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